Omega 3 supplements and fish oil are useless for preventing diseases


Researchers at the Cochrane Library collected and badyzed information on 112,000 people taking Omega 3 supplements or fish oil for long periods and "no statistically significant difference in mortality rates" According to Lee Hooper researcher at the University of East Anglia who led the research, the benefits "

" We can rely on the results of this review that go against the popular belief that long chain omega 3 supplements protect the heart.

Studies considered patients and healthy people in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia, and concluded that "the opportunity to obtain or significant" was has been reduced to one case out of 1,000, says El Confidencial.

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However, researchers do not quarrel with the consumption of natural foods containing omega 3 (such as avocado or spinach), which offer positive effects in the body, adds the Spanish media.

"Instead of taking supplements to reduce the risk of having another heart attack or stroke, (people)"

Victoria Taylor, Senior Dietitian at the British Heart Foundation

The Experts consulted by the London newspaper The Times conclude that millions of health-conscious shoppers waste their money on these products and should buy vegetables instead.

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