Oncological reconstruction microsurgery: reaches 70% of functionality in the affected part


Cancer and oncological interventions, whether surgical or radiotherapeutic, compromise the physical appearance and cause severe emotional trauma to patients. For these reasons, Clínica del Occidente, at the forefront of medical procedures, will badist patients who require reconstructive oncology surgery procedures in their oncology center. The latest microsurgical and endoscopic techniques will be applied with which it will be possible to achieve up to 70% of functionality in the affected part

In the oncological patient reconstructive surgery seeks to repair aesthetic alterations at the same time it is performed surgery to remove the tumor, promoting primary healing of wounds, preserving function, without prolonging the time of hospitalization, and reducing complications. Although reconstructive microsurgery can also be scheduled after the patient has healed or received additional treatment.

The establishment performs surgeries with advanced technology and a high-level professional team and experience physical and emotional aspects of the patient, in the most satisfactory manner possible. The Western Clinic's Oncology Center has the capacity to treat 100 patients a month in all its specialties, including the high demand for patients living outside Bogota.

Reconstructive Oncology Surgery is a subspecialty of plastic surgery that is responsible for the repair of physical defects secondary to disease or oncology treatment. The procedures aim to preserve the functionality and aesthetics of the area affected by cancer. "Our goal is that the patient can recover the function of the area of ​​the body involved, which preserves his body image and his self-esteem, and that he enjoys a better quality of life", says Dr. José Alejandro Esguerra Cantillo

Breast and head and neck reconstructions are the most frequently performed reconstruction procedures. In Colombia, about 8,600 new cases of bad cancer and 1,800 cases of head and neck cancer are registered each year. These areas of the body present a greater degree of difficulty at the time of the intervention.

As in any other procedure before reconstructive surgery, the patient must be in good health, without anemia, nutritional deficiency or other condition that endangers him.

The Clinic of the West was interested in forming a multidisciplinary team with the aim of providing a comprehensive service to patients, which is directed by Dr. Catalina Muñoz experienced specialist in reconstructive plastic surgery oncology and who is one of 13 certified head and neck surgeons in Bogotá. The facility continues to expand its services to ensure that the cancer patient has all the support needed before, during and after the treatments.

In recent years, the Clinic's professional team has successfully performed microsur- gies to treat amputations at various levels; It is one of the leading centers of emergency care for this type of trauma and, on average, it treats 3,840 cases of all types of complications each year.

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