Operators demand to leave the next government auction to promote better mobile services


Redacción Economía

Asomóvil, which brings together Claro, Movistar and Tigo Une, claimed that it was not appropriate to carry out this process in "forced marches", after the Super-industry had recommended to clarify several points of the "rules of" Before proceeding to the auction. "

According to the latest report from Mintic, there are three million 3G mobile internet connections in the country through plans with operators, compared to 6.8 million 4G connections in the country the same modality Pixabay

The mobile operators' guild Asomóvil, which brings together Claro, Movistar and Tigo Une, asked the current government to let the spectrum auction radio in the hands of the incoming administration, which is the "road" invisible by the It must be remembered that the process, in which parts of the spectrum are allocated to businesses to operate and deploy communications services, has has been considered essential for improving mobile quality and coverage through technology. fourth generation (4G) in the country and, thus, promote closure of gaps between urban and rural areas.

The most coveted under this offer is the 700 MHz band as it allows for high coverage and high speeds, two features very difficult to find together in the spectrum

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Private persons consider that "In a process of such magnitude and being less than 27 days before the beginning of the new government, it is not opportune to hastily and unambiguously define the conditions of the auction ". They add that the demands they made to strengthen investment in the sector, such as easing access to 4G mobile phones, have not been finalized. On this, the Communications Regulatory Commission has announced that it will make a decision during this month.

To delve into the above, you may be interested: This month you will know they are returning discounts on mobile phone purchases in exchange for a subscription. The last spectrum auction was conducted in 2013, enabled the deployment of 4G technology and left resources for the Nation for 700,000 million dollars, while the market grew from three operators to eight.

Asomóvil ruled next auction after experiencing the concept of the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC), in terms of competition, with regard to the new process. The great conclusion of this concept is that the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (MINTIC) needs to clarify several points of tender documents, take action and take precautions to promote competition and avoid the risk of collusion. [19659006] In his statement, the badociation of operators also claims the "good practices" around the process: "We lack the prudent application of the principle of transparency, because to date the industry does not not know the definitive terms and conditions of the aforementioned resolution. The ministry released two versions for comment, but did not give a formal answer to the industry's doubts. "

Asomóvil points out that other needs of the sector were on hold, such as the convergent regulator and the extension of the spectrum use licenses. Years These proposals have tried to go through the Congress of the Republic, but, because of the substantial changes that, according to the government, the rapporteur, Senator Mario Fernández, has made on the project, Mintic has withdrawn the proposal.Make advance a regulator in line with new technologies and forms of Consumption will already fall on the next government.

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To At the time, the Mintic did not rule on Asomovil's application nor on the expected CIS concept.

Details of the 700 MHz and 1,900 MHz frequency auction began in 2015. That year, "Netto yage "(move other actors present in the frequencies) bands, so that they were ready to be delivered. The process was to start in 2016, but publicly it did not happen before 2017.

To learn more about the beginning of the process, read also: What will depend on your calls and Internet falling less?

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