Overweight in the world: WHO calls on governments around the world to fight overweight | International


The report "It's time to act" recently published by an independent commission of experts of the World Health Organization (WHO), calls for urgent action against noncommunicable diseases. The report invites the public sector, industry, universities, civil society and the community to work together to counter the effects of overweight and obesity.

For Camilo Montes, director of the House of Food Industry of ANDI, ensures that the report " It's time to act". refers to the joint work the government should have and to the private sector to combat noncommunicable diseases. ]

"This report makes an urgent appeal to governments to fight these diseases and it is here that we formulate recommendations for national and local governments to respond comprehensively is problematic, said the recommendations, for example, that the importance of understanding that the work of the ministries of health should be state policies where everyone must act said Ca milo Montes

For WHO, working with food and non-alcoholic companies, in areas such as reformulation labeling and the Marketing regulations are vitally important for decreasing obesity and overweight indices in the country.

"This may lead us to work together, for industrial, food and beverage purposes as food problems that reduce the presence of products that are sensitive to certain people such as sodium, sugar, fats, also in labeling issues, so that the consumer makes better decisions at the time […] of purchase, said Camilo Montes [19659002] The National Inquiry into the # 39, nutritional education (ENSIN) 2015, published in November 2017, revealed that children from 5 to 12 years old, only 31.1% of them comply with the recommendations of activity s the

Among children aged 3 to 4, 61.9% of them spend excessive time in front of preschool screens. Only 13.4% of Colombian adolescents comply with the phy activity recommendations

Among the proposed strategies, WHO stresses that countries are lagging behind in the implementation of strategies and, therefore, in achieving the results await the achievement of the third goal sustainable development in 2020: to ensure healthy living and promote the well-being of all at all ages.

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