Parafiscal unit and Coljuegos allows billionaire collections


Editorial economy.

Through the management of the UGPP, the country went from 9.6 million workers who contributed to health in 2012 to 12.3 million in 2017, a growth of 28%, says the Ministry of Finance

The Pensions and Parafiscal Unit (UGPP) and Coljuegos helped raise billions of pesos, effectively discharging the responsibilities entrusted to them . "In the balance of cost-benefits, these two entities, with a very small budget, represent billions of pesos for Colombians," said Finance Minister, Mauricio Cárdenas.

The UGPP, established in 2012 and whose operating cost does not exceed $ 72 billion, managed to reduce parafiscal tax evasion of $ 10.2 billion between 2012 and 2017, said the Ministry of Finance in a press release

"It was wise to have created the UGPP, an entity worthy of note for its ability.It managed to reduce the number of Escapees, heightened surveillance and his performance has brought great benefits to health, pensions, labor risks and compensation funds, "said Mr. Cardenas

. from 9.6 million workers who contributed to health in 2012 to 12.3 million in 2017, an increase of 28%, while contributors to pensions rose from 7.1 million to 9.2 million, 30% in the same period.

The outgoing Minister of Finance pointed out the management of Coljuegos, which Operating expenses which reached $ 28,472 million in 2017 increased, between 2012 and 2017, $ 2.6 billion for the operating rights of the games of chance to fund the subsidized health system. "Before Coljuegos it was a sector full of frauds, failures and without significant contributions to health.In 2011, we decided to create this entity by changing the approach with efficiency. , innovation and formalization. "

According to the report of the Ministry of Finance, by Coljuegos Colombia became the first country in America to regulate. online games, with which the collection has grown 270% over the past year, from $ 33 billion in 2017 to more than $ 122,000 in 2018.

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