Pdvsa authorities evaluate plans to boost oil production – Correo del Orinoco


Petroleum Popular Power Minister and PDVSA President Manuel Quevedo held a working table with the oil industry authorities on Saturday to evaluate plans to boost production in 2018.

explained that in this meeting he badyze all the logistical, administrative and operational aspects to boost the production of crude oil in the country

Quevedo spoke of the negative impact that the sanctions imposed by the United States Government have had, actions that are framed in the economic war against the other hand, he indicated that his office was moving towards the implementation of a special incentive scheme for workers of the oil industry, which would benefit the operational and administrative staff

. smear campaign that some media have conducted against the state oil company, issuing non-official figures on oil production levels in Venezuela.

He claimed that these media were close to the defamation of the figures of oil production and their derivatives. He pointed out that the media strategy reveals the perverse interest of hurting PDVSA's morale, as the international right wing does not want to see the PDVSA as a power.

Ángel González, governor of Venezuela to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), presents in the activity, gave some figures and reported that in the first half the oil company of 39; State recorded in its production 1 million 570 000 barrels, which does not include condensates, about 70 000 barrels per day.

According to the official, it is 1 million 735 thousand barrels that are produced in the liquid hydrocarbons of PDVSA.

With this in the last 4 months since the Venezuelan industry has stabilized production, said the official.

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