Pension Reform Proposals for Colombia – Sectors – Economy


With the light that indicates that in 2050 there will be no more 9 workers in Colombia for every older adult, but only 3, several experts meeting at the seminar "Alternatives for Reform of retreats in Colombia & # 39; have put some pieces to help build the reform In the case, organized by the Bank of the Republic and CiSoe (Center for Social and Economic Research), with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Director of the Bank Republic, Juan José Echavarría, pointed out the inequality and low coverage of the system, since the latter only reached 36%, and private and public regimes generate inequalities, since publicly all pensions Subsidies, mainly the highest, are subsidized, an aspect that must be one of the first to be the subject of any reform.

The financial viability of the public system is the other pillar According to Echavarría, the annual expenditure of pensions is 3.4% of the gross domestic product (GDP), which is equivalent to 25% of the perception of the tax.

For her part, Cecilia López, president of CiSoe, stressed the need to evaluate the lessons learned after 25 years of the 100th social security law, so that the way is sought to ensure a more dignified old age .

Contrary to other proposals, Lopez proposes that welfare-generating retirement benefits should not only be directed to the poorest, but also to the middle clbad and, in particular, to the general public. rural.

Pablo Casali, representative of the ILO, went further on the side of universality and quality services; while Colpensiones President Adriana Guzmán said that the key is that more people can retire, instead of paying off the balance.


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