Personalized medicine comes to Latin America for the benefit of patients


"We are trying to determine how it will behave (the tumor) and what will be the evolution of each patient, it's the root of personalized medicine," said Ciriano at Roche Press. Day, an educational forum that brings together Cali (Colombia) to 75 journalists from Latin America

Ciriano said that the pharmaceutical giant's drug development is based on the premise that there is no not one type of lung, bad or colon cancer, but that there are 200 and 300 different tumors, "he said.

The work of Roche's medical team , ranked among the top five companies most invested in research and development in the world, aims to "better understand what is happening with Ciriano

Tumors are detected, badyzed and typified, but we must add that the way they interact with each person's immune system is i ndividuelle. [19659002] "Now, we can approach in a more specific way and know how it behaves (the disease) in this patient and compare it with other patients with the same profile. go on with genomics and compare with patients in other parts of the world, "added the specialist.

This approach, which changes how to treat diseases, requires the largest amount of data available.
We try to take advantage of "big data." The data is found in clinics and hospitals, in insurers and is real-world data, "says Ciriano.

The expert said that clinical studies provide only 3% of the information required

.The rest, Roche has partnerships with companies such as Foundation Medicine, Flatiron or Syapse

"The way to access this data is what allows us to r approach the experience of thousands of doctors around the world ". Ciriano explained that in many places in Latin America, diseases continue to be treated as 25 years ago, providing the same treatments to the general population.

In cancer, for example, surgery, chemotherapy and "We try to make the patient suffer less, but we do not provide everything we can," said Ciriano
. in Switzerland is a pioneer in the development of drugs that improve the lives of patients with diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis or hemophilia.

Roche invested $ 10.464 billion in research and development. by the society


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