Pregnant women may not be vaccinated against the flu virus



Supporting a small pain in the arm for only a few minutes can mean the difference between living or dying.

That is why it is urgent that the population is vulnerable to the virus Influenza vaccination is applied

Populations at risk of influenza virus are: the elderly, pregnant women, the chronically ill, children under five years old.

Also health staff and those who work in poultry farms are vulnerable. 100% of people who died in the country were not vaccinated against the flu virus.

Thursday, The health authorities confirmed two other deaths because of This is a 69 year old lady from Teupasenti, El Paraíso who was suffering from Morbid obesity, high blood pressure and venous insufficiency grade. five

She died in the hospital Gabriela Alvarado of the city of Danlí on June 27, but it was until Thursday that her death by flu was confirmed by a laboratory.

The same thing happened with an eight-month-old baby who died on July 4 at Hospital del Sur in Choluteca.

With the new epidemiological report, 21 deceased people are already counted for the disease. Of this total number of deaths, 20 are for influenza type A H1N1 and one for influenza type B.

The only fatal case of influenza type B who was registered in the country was confirmed Wednesday, an 11-year-old boy who was also a trainee at the hospital del Sur.

National Influenza Influenza Surveillance Coordinator, Homer Mejía ] El HERALDO This information about the influenza situation in the country.

This child was not in at-risk populations, but it was known that his parents They took him to the health center until four days after he started feeling the symptoms, so the disease was complicated.

"The symptoms are the same in both cases, the symptoms will be similar, they will have fever, they will go coughing, shortness of breath, Ito appetite loss, caries, but type B is more aggressive in children, the intensity of symptoms is stronger, "explains Mejia .

Symptoms of influenza include nasal congestion, respiratory distress, fatigue, headache, high fever, body aches, nausea, general malaise and vomiting.

With regard to deaths by region, nine are counted in the central district and one in Ojojona Francisco Morazán

At the same time, five of Choluteca, in the south of the country , and three of Yoro. The other three come from San Pedro Sula, Cortés; Iguala, Lempira; and Teupasenti, El Paraíso.

As for the age groups of the victims, 14 are adults and seven are minors. In 2017, two people were killed by influenza A (H3N2) . That was the type of virus that was circulating that year. The above means that from one year to the next, deaths have increased by 950%.

Health authorities report up to this year a total of 357 persons affected by influenza to H1N1 confirmed by laboratory badysis

L & # 39; last year, for the same season, 33 cases of influenza A H3N2 were enumerated. One factor that has influenced the appearance of more cases and deaths is that the circulation of the virus was ahead. The outbreak of cases began between April and May

The seasonal season where cases of viral disease always appear is from July. "We are entering the season where the flu is rising due to the weather situation, for the rainy season that will last until August," Galen said.

He added that the low temperatures and humidity favor the expansion of the virus

Causes of death
The main cause of death of registered victims is that they suffered from up to three underlying chronic diseases. : diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, pulmonary fibrosis and heart disease.

They are added to patients with HIV / AIDS cancer, asthma, tuberculosis, kidney failure, diarrheal infections, among others, who may also lose their lives.

A person who has only one chronic illness, if he does not get vaccinated, runs the risk of dying. "Among the risk factors is malnutrition, especially in children, the immune system is diminished," he said.

"If a child or a person has a fever, we tell them not to treat themselves, but ask for medical attention in a timely manner, go to a health center or to a doctor. in which you trust. "

It is necessary that people do not consume aspirin-like pills because the disease can be complicated. "The patients are immediately treated with oseltamivir or tamiflu, which in the 31 hospitals we have the treatment," the doctor adds.

If a person is late in a hospital or health center, the possibilities Among the preventative measures that can be implemented to avoid becoming infected with the virus include: not to kiss, kissing or hugging, shaking hands, or sharing cooking utensils, plates or glbades. 19659003] When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with your forearm or use a mask. If you suffer from symptoms, avoid going to conglomerate locations, such as movies, stadiums, schools, universities, as this spreads the virus and infects dozens of people

. manos

"The concern we have is that the population continues with apathy that apparently does not care about their health or that of their family and that does not contribute to the level of society "Mejía pointed out that the Ministry of Health (19459003) complied with the rule of vaccination and treatment in health facilities," he lamented.

He also regretted that in the realization of brigades in many colonies people do not open their doors to their homes to the staff of Salud .

They do not currently brigades in neighborhoods and settlements, people who want vaccines will have to go to the nearest health center.

"It's worrying because if the population does not do their part we can not do anything, the risk is that we're already entering the seasonal stage or the favorable season dan The flu virus likes this rainy weather and endangers the population that has not been vaccinated, "he warned.

The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) has 1,084,367 people who are vulnerable to the virus.

To date, 949,160 people have been vaccinated nationwide, or 88% of the target set.

This means that a total of 135,207 vulnerable people still need to be vaccinated, the majority being pregnant women and the elderly.

These are the two risk groups that showed the most apathy towards the vaccine. One of the deaths was a pregnant woman

The application of vaccine doses was advanced to May 14 due to the atypical occurrence of cases.

This measure was implemented in the metropolitan areas of Mexico. Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, also for the rest of the department of Cortés.

On June 4, National Immunization Day began, which ended on June 29th.

the goal of vaccination was not achieved, it was decided to leave the vaccines in the health centers until the missing population is applied.

"Once we vaccinate our high-risk population, the remaining doses will be for the (general) population who voluntarily demand it," Galen . [ad_2]
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