Professionals who are almost not in Colombia

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In the labor market, there is a phenomenon that requires attention: there are bids for it. job, but there is no one to fill them in. ManpowerGroup Colombia surveyed 39,195 people in the country where they were interviewed:

  1. How many difficulties do you have in filling vacant positions in relation to the job? last year?
  2. What human skills are the hardest to find, and why?
  3. What are you doing to solve the talent shortage?

45% of employers admitted that they can not not easily find the skills required, a figure that increases for large companies (with over 250 employees), of which 67% confirmed that this year has suffered from a shortage of talent

Comparison of the case of Colombia with the rest of the world:

With regard to the last measure, 9% d Colombia has claimed it is harder to find people with the skills needed for their job offers, 44% say the difficulty is similar and 27% say it's easier to find people.

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This is encouraging compared to the rest of the world, where 13% say they have more difficulty finding people and 15% less while 58% see no improvement in the ability to find appropriate talent.

Javier Echeverri, Country Manager of ManpowerGroup in Colombia, explained: "The shortage of talent, that is to say the difficulty for people to access many offers, has increased in Colombia In our country, we began doing this survey in 2009, noting that over the past nine years employers have had a hard time finding people to fill vacant positions. 39, year with the least difficulty was 2011, with 25% of them facing these difficulties, and the most important was 2014, with 57% "

More complex profiles to fill in Colombia and in the world:

According to the 39 000 employers interviewed, including 750 in Colombia, are the profiles that have presented the greatest difficulties to cover:

In the world :

  1. Qualified traders
  2. Sales [19659002] Engineers
  3. Drivers
  4. Technicians [1 9659002] Computer Personnel
  5. Accounting and Financial Personnel
  6. Professionals
  7. Office Occupations
  8. Machine Operators

Colombia :

  1. Manufacturing Operators
  2. Skilled Trades (eg Electricians, Welders, Mechanics)
  3. Executive
  4. Drivers
  5. Sales Representatives
  6. Technicians
  7. ] Accounting and Finance
  8. IT
  9. Administrative Support
  10. Customer Service

Solutions Used by Businesses to Address Talent Shortages:

Both in Colombia (82%) and in the United States Rest of the world (54%), the most used solution is to give additional training to existing staff. Improve economic supply (21% in Colombia and 29% in the rest of the world) or additional benefits (41% in Colombia and 32% in the world), add to the flexible labor supply (23 % in Colombia and the same percentage in the rest of the world).


In the labor market, there is a phenomenon that needs attention: there are vacancies, but no one is filling them in. To understand the situation, ManpowerGroup Colombia interviewed 39195 in the country where they were interviewed: 19659001] How much difficulty do you have in filling vacant positions compared to last year?

  • What are the most difficult human skills and strengths to find, and why?
  • What are you doing to solve the problem? Lack of talent?
  • 45% of employers admitted that they could not easily find the required skills, a figure that increases for large companies (with more than 250 employees), of which 67% confirmed that this year has suffered The shortage of talent

    The case of Colombia compared to the rest of the world:

    Regarding the last measure, 9% of companies in Colombia stated that he was t more difficult to find people with skills. 44% say the difficulty is similar and 27% say it's easier to find people.

    This is encouraging compared to the rest of the world, where 13% say they experience more difficulties. find people and 15% less difficulty, while 58% see no improvement in the ability to find appropriate talent.

    Javier Echeverri, Country Manager of ManpowerGroup in Colombia explained: "The shortage of talent, it is the difficulty there is currently for people to access many offers available, he grew up in Colombia In our country, we began doing this survey in 2009, noting that over the past nine years employers have had a hard time finding people to fill vacant positions. 39, year with the least difficulty was 2011, with 25% of them facing these difficulties, and the most important was 2014, with 57% "

    More complex profiles to fill in Colombia and in the world:

    According to the 39 000 employers interviewed, including 750 in Colombia, are the profiles that have presented the greatest difficulties to cover:

    Worldwide :

    1. Skilled Trades
    2. Sales Representatives [19659002] Engineers [1 9659002] Drivers
    3. Technicians
    4. IT Personnel
    5. Accounting and Finance Personnel
    6. Professionals
    7. Office Occupations
    8. Machine Operators

    In Colombia :

    1. Manufacturing workers
    2. Skilled workers (e.g. electricians, welders, mechanics)
    3. Administration / Executive
    4. Drivers
    5. Sales Representatives
    6. Technicians
    7. Accounting and Finance [19659002] TI
    8. Administrative Support
    9. Customer Service

    Solutions used by businesses to solve talent shortages:

    In Colombia (82%) and in the rest of the world (54%), the most used solution is to provide additional training to existing staff. Improve economic supply (21% in Colombia and 29% in the rest of the world) or additional benefits (41% in Colombia and 32% in the world), add to the flexible labor supply (23 % in Colombia and the same percentage in the rest of the world).

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