Ramon Llao is accused of sexually abusing a five-year-old boy


National actor Ramón Llao will add another serious complaint when it will turn out that the Oriente Office of the Prosecutor opened an investigation against him involving a "badual connotation" three months ago against a child under five

. this morning for the newspaper La Tercera notes that the ex-wife of a former colleague of the actor reported badual abuse against his son, but without identifying the artist, so that the institution would have decided to open a criminal investigation. However, after that, the miner's mother identified Llao as perpetuating the facts.

According to the national media, the complaint to the public prosecutor indicates that the minor allegedly presented "hyperbadualized behavior with a friend" while they played, which triggered the suspicions. The mother of the child allegedly took him to a psychologist who determined that the child was badually abused and then, during therapy sessions, the infant reportedly recognized Llao as the culprit

According to the national media, events occurred during Llao. I visited the parents house of the affected person because he was a friend of the family. When questioned, the actor completely denied the lyrics.

"I absolutely deny it … it's a nightmare," he said, and then he contacted his lawyer who told him, "This is the first time we have In the context of this complaint, I asked for a meeting with the prosecution to be able to comment in detail.Our client categorically denies any act or instance in which he was alone with the child that you mention it and once we have access to the cause we can exercise his right to defense. "

A few weeks ago the actor had already been involved in violent cases against his former partner he recognized

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