Reported 27 new cases of salmonellosis related to Kelloggs cereals in the United States


By Gabriel Pacheco / For the first time
13/07/2018 | 10:25

The Control Center and
Disease Prevention
(CDC) reported yesterday that it has increased to
100 the official number of Salmonella infections
after consuming Kellogg Honey Smacks cereals in 33 states of the country. Although
No cases were fatal, 30 people have already been hospitalized

Although Kellogg & # 39; s has already removed all Honey Smacks products
were in the market in the useful life of a year, 27 cases were reported
Salmonella Mbandaka's new
mid-July, for which the federal entity is waiting to confirm several others at the end of its investigation.

"It is possible that infections that occurred after June 19
2018 have not yet been notified, due to the delay that has elapsed between
when a person gets sick and the moment they are informed. It takes
an average of 2 to 4 weeks, "explains the CDC on its website.

With 11 confirmed cases,
New York is the state most affected by the epidemic
. Followed by Pennsylvania with eight and Mbadachusetts
With seven of the 33 states affected, the average number of infections is
three, with the majority reporting two.

Until yesterday, the CDC had not
reported any case in Puerto Rico.

Health officials at the state and local level continue to interview
people possibly infected with what they've eaten in recent weeks,
but they have already confirmed that 85% of them said "eat cold cereals",
while 66% of them claimed to have ingested more Honey Smacks than any other

Cases of infected persons as young as months have been reported.
born up to the age of 95, with a median age of 57 years. Of the confirmed cases,
68% were women. 39% of those infected were hospitalized. No
According to the federal agency, deaths have always been reported.

The CDC will continue to report on the Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak as information arrives.

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