Rumoran that López Obrador's son will marry with the former Miss Venezuela


In recent hours, versions of the alleged marital commitment of Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, second son of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, have taken off in the network; with the former Miss Venezuela, Irene Esser.

Information on the possible marriage between the beautiful model and the son of the virtual winner of the presidential elections in Mexico comes from the Venezuelan media but specialized media sources such as l to the magazine Who confirms that the romance appeared at least a year ago.

According to the website Esser currently resides in Colombia where he participates in the recordings of a series on the life of Venezuelan hero Simón Bolívar

The Venezuelan model and actress has 26 years and was one of the strongest candidates to win the Miss Universe 2012 crown, but a bad answer in English He lost preferences in the contest.

Meanwhile, Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, 31, better known by his close friends as "Andy", and actively participated in his father's political campaign as the National Regeneration Movement in Mexico City.

In the documentary "Esto Soy", the second López Beltrán is distinguished by the statement "We are not abusive juniors of power, we will not be part of the government, we do not believe in nepotism, we believe that Is a "

Andrés Manuel López Beltrán was caught in a protest by his father in 2009, allegedly wearing a pair of Louis Vuitton sneakers, priced at approximately $ 800, considering the proposals of Austerity that defended AMLO has been widely criticized

  • Andrés Manuel López Obrador
  • Farándula
  • Andrés Manuel López Beltrán
  • Irene Esser
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