Scarlett Johansson leaves the film where she was to play transgender man | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


American actress Scarlett Johansson announced today in a statement that, after the controversy arose, was releasing the film "Rub and Tug", which was to embody a transgender man. Ethical issues raised by my casting under the name of Dante 'Tex & # 39; Gill – the main character in the story – I decided to withdraw respectfully from the project, "said Johansson in a statement to Out magazine.

" Our cultural understanding of transgender people continues to grow. forward, and I have learned a lot from the community since I made my first statement on my casting and I realized that I was insensitive. "I have a great admiration and love for the trans community and I appreciate that the dialogue on inclusion in Hollywood will continue. "

The interpreter recalls that according to GLAAD, the main American organization that helps to give visibility to LGBT rights, this type of characters dropped by 40% in 2017 compared to the previous year, without representation of trans characters in any major studio release.

"Although I would have liked to have the opportunity to get involved in Dante's story and transition, I understand why many think I should be portrayed by a transgender, and I am grateful that this debate, though controversial, has sparked a wider dialogue and diversity in the film, "said Johansson.

"I believe that all artists should be considered fairly and equitably." My production company, These Pictures, actively pursues projects that entertain and push the boundaries, and we look forward to working with each community to present these stories. important and captivating. the world, "he concluded.

The film, based on real events, revolves around the figure of Dante" Tex "Gill, a transgender man born under the name of Lois Jean Gill who ran a network of salons of mbadage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Activists and members of the trans community expressed their anger on social networks when they saw that a cisgender actress (people whose gender identity coincides with the bad badigned at birth) would play the role of a transgender man.
At the base of this debate is the lack of opportunities for transgender artists in Hollywood, as denounced by the lorry. Trace Lysette actress ("Transparent").

This artist said on Twitter that she would not be "not so angry" about this issue if she had the same opportunities as Jennifer Lawrence or Scarlett Johansson's. to obtain cisgender roles.

"But we know that it is not p if the case, a disaster, "he concluded.

"Actors who are trans never get audition for anything other than trans roles, that's the real problem," added actress Jamie Clayton ("Sense8") on the same social network.
Some voices remember that this is not the first controversy of "casting" with Johansson, since the American actress was already indicated by the adaptation of the manga "Ghost in the Shell "(2017) in which she supported a character of Asian descent.

Interestingly, the director of "Ghost in the Shell" and "Rub & Tug" is the same: the British Rupert Sanders.

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