SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Meet the Aston Martin luxury vehicle


The exclusive luxury sports car company, Aston Martin, introduced Volante Vision Concept, a luxury aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities (VTOL). Produced in partnership with Cranfield University, Cranfield Aerospace Solutions and Rolls-Royce, the aircraft concept aims to bring luxury transportation to paradise.

In a statement, the British luxury brand reported that Volante Vision Concept is a demonstration. Aston Martin's design ingenuity.

With space for three adults, the concept shows a hybrid, electric and autonomous driving vehicle for urban and interurban air travel, offering fast, efficient and congestion-free luxury travel.

This vehicle will make the most of the latest innovations. the advances in aerospace, electrification and autonomous technology, as well as the distinctive design of Aston Martin.

Combining the strengths of Cranfield University, Cranfield Aerospace Solutions, Rolls-Royce and Aston Martin, this new concept brings together the best experts in aeronautics. of the world, propulsion specialists and designers.

The skills offered by each partner ensure that Volante Vision Concept promises to offer an attractive alternative transportation solution for customers around the world.

Aston Martin's President and CEO, Dr. Andy Palmer, noted: "With the population in urban areas continuing to grow, congestion in cities will be increasingly demanding. We must seek alternative solutions to reduce congestion, reduce pollution and improve mobility.

Air transport will be a crucial part of the future of transportation, and Volante Vision Concept is the best luxury mobility solution

"Humans have always spent an average of an hour between their work and their workplace, the distance we live from our workplace has been determined by the available transport methods, the Volante Vision Concept will allow us to traveling further with our trip each day, which means we can live further away from where we work, cities will grow and cities that are too elite towns of cities to be switchable will become suburbs. "

Vision Concept – Aston Martin's Exploration in Personal Air Mobility Discover more at #AstonMartinVisionConcept

Posted by Aston Martin on Monday, July 16, 2018

"With Aston Martin and our 'dream team' of British innovation in the industry and academia, we are positioned to changing the future of transportation, offering to our customers Professor Iain Gray, director of Aerospace at Cranfield University, said: "We are excited to be part of this exciting and challenging project. Progressive showing British innovation and the way Cranfield works and supports The Volante Vision Concept illustrates Cranfield's unique capabilities in digital aviation, autonomous systems and the electrification of the industry aerospace, and is an excellent example of how the University combines cutting edge research, academic rigor and application in real world. "

For its part, the director of Rolls-Royce Electrical Rob Watson added, "We are I am delighted to participate in Volante Vis Ion Concept, which shows the best of British design and engineering. Rolls-Royce has already delivered hybrid electric systems for other applications, including ships and trains, and we are very excited about the potential of technology in the aerospace industry.

This is a great opportunity to collaborate on a pioneering project utilizing high-performance hybrid-electric propulsion technologies for personal air mobility concepts that could transform the future of transportation. "

With the information of El Nuevo Día.

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