Scientific Studies | Babies with a solid diet before six months sleep better | Trade | Technology and science | Science


Many fathers give their babies solid foods before the normally recommended age of six months in the hope that they will sleep better. A large British study published Monday supports this practice although it does not fully resolve sleep problems.

The study was conducted with 1,303 three-month-old babies in England and Wales, selected between 2009 and 2012 observed up to their third birthday. Half of the parents gave their babies solid foods, such as fish or wheat, before six months, while the other half were exclusively badfed until they reached the age of six months. to six months

(You can access the study of HERE )

The study, initially focused on allergies, was published Monday in the journal JAMA Pedriatics .

The result showed that children who started eating solid foods before sleeping longer and woke up less often at night .

The effect is small but remarkable. The number of nocturnal awakenings is, in fact, very far from approaching zero, but the difference between groups is considered significant when we look at the mean, which went from 2.01 awakenings per night to 1 74.

means that half of children who eat solid foods woke up less than 1.74 times a night.

A considerable difference was also recorded in the duration of sleep, with a peak of more than 16 minutes at the age of six months.

Researchers, including Gideon Lack of King & # 39; s College London, acknowledge that it is possible that mothers who participated in the study responded more positively to questionnaires after giving them food. after having expected a positive effect

But according to them, it is unlikely that this bias will extend beyond six months.

Source: AFP

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