Scientists develop a vaccine against zika and dengue fever


GUADALAJARA, Jalisco (Notimex) .- Specialist Arturo Reyes Sandoval said that progress in research and fight against mosquito-borne viruses, such as Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya, could soon bring their fruits.

Oxford University professor, bacteriologist and parasitologist said the above, as part of his lecture "New-Generation Vaccines for Zika Virus, Dengue and Chikungunya, the design, immunogenicity and clinical trials ", given at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG).

He said that there is the possibility that a vaccine against these diseases will soon be developed, "currently there are 30 proposals for Zika and another 30 for dengue, we must continue to research and create methodologies. "

" Currently, it is easy to develop candidates, in one or two months you can have the vaccine platforms in the initial tests "

He pointed out that there are eight other viruses that are waiting their turn to enter regions of the Americas and produce other epidemics, such as the Mayaro that is already in Colombia.

The University said that insects adapt to warm climates and climate change "which allowed its emergence into areas where they have not entered before."

He noted that the methods that worked to combat them "were to avoid the Mosquito breeding, rear deck cleaning, avoid remission fold the water containers, follow the recommendations of the authorities, use an insecticide and the population obey and collaborate to control its population. "

Arturo Reyes Sandoval is a graduate of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and one of the pioneers of the Oxford Jerner Institute in the development of vaccines and the search for diseases that are present in America, especially to Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya and M alaria, Trypanosoma Cruzi

In addition, it has three chapters in the books, 44 articles published in international journals, H indexes of 22 and 2133 citations to his articles, 15 grants approved, eight patents and registers submitted, six of which are as an inventor

Since he was a young man, he wanted to be a scientist and, failing that, he was a scientist. to obtain a grade sufficient to enter the faculty of medicine, opted for a career as a bacteriologist and parasitologist.

48 years old and worked for more than 14 Oxford, before living for five years at the university. University of Pennsylvania, in a dedicated institute vaccine development, one of the first in America.

The visit of Reyes Sandoval was in order to make an approach to the UAG, with the support of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES), to present the activities conducted in the Nuffield Department of Medicine at Oxford University and strengthen links for eventual student and academic exchanges.

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