Shaving or non-shaving of penile hairs and other responses on HPV in men


Interview with Diana Torres, urology specialist with 20 years of experience. Profamilia's doctor's answers are a warning to men who view the human papillomavirus as a unique problem for women.

Is human papillomavirus common in men?

Once in your life, you have had unprotected bad, you have more than a 50% chance of having the virus. In men, it is difficult to diagnose because the virus can be asymptomatic. In other words, the man can be a carrier of viruses and never develop the disease.

It may also be symptomatic, the manifestation of its symptoms are bad warts on the glans, on the body of the penis, on the scrotum, on the pubis or in the peribad region. It is very important to know that men do not have bad intercourse, warts can appear in this region. Logically, when there are peribad relations, the condition is more frequent.

Are there tests to detect HPV in men?

When HPV is asymptomatic in men, there is no test in women who have cytology. When he is asymptomatic, the man has no treatment. Vaccination is valuable here because it is the way to prevent the virus. The vaccine, which prevents warts, is given to children 12 years and older and adults before the age of 26.

Can environmental or hygienic factors come into contact with the virus?

The virus is not only transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact, but it can also live in the environment, in objects, in contaminated hands, in bad toys. A man who has a warty lesion on his penis, let's say that he touches himself and then, when he goes to the bathroom, he has a contact with the anus by cleaning himself. In such a daily act, the virus can spread

Hands can be a danger

Hands are never considered a badual object or bad organ, but they can be. People should wash them before and after having bad. Few think about it, they can do it after bad, but they rarely wash them before (This may also interest them I could not stand my fertility and that's how I was in EPS vasectomy.) [19659004] Is there a relationship between HPV in men and bad cancer

Anal cancer in men who have bad with men is closely related to the papilloma virus. That is why they should be vaccinated, the idea is to do it before the age of 26 years old. In minors, it is ideal that they do it before their first badual relationship. In other words, before they have contact with the virus

What recommendation would you give to our readers?

In 20 years of professional practice, if I saw 5 men who told me that they are still sacred The condom is a lot. Men do not put the condom for oral bad and should use it because this virus can also be transmitted this way, because papilloma can also occur in the throat. The condom should be used regularly

Similarly, avoid risky relationships, if men know that it is a person that they do not know, it is better to be more selective at moment to have a relationship. The less relationships you have, the less likely you are to come into contact with the virus.

The only absolute way to prevent the spread of the virus is total badual abstinence, which is impossible, ideally vaccination, condom use and limit badual partners.

A message for men who have detected warts on their penis and still do not want to go to the doctor.

Men should inspect their penis, if they see something strange, wart, an injury, you should consult the doctor to treat it. They are not a source of shame, of course. Warts can be treated in many ways, with liquid nitrogen or through a small surgery to awaken the affected area, all depends on the amount and thickness.

With regard to bad hygiene, is it better to let the hair grow or shave constantly?

The shaving of the bads is a means of spreading the virus, because if a man has a pubic wart and pbades the razor blade, this wart is cut off and this blood infected by the virus is inoculated into the pores that have been left open by shaving.

The hairs are to be protected, people have the idea that the hair is unhealthy and it is not like that, the unhygienic thing is not to bathe. The hairs protect because they cover the skin, so that the razor blade protects the dermis, opens small wounds that are fertile ground for infections.

His advice then is to let the hair grow without touching it

What I recommend is that, instead of shaving, if there is a lot of hair, we can cut them with a pair of scissors to shorten them. It should never be done with a blade because it protects the area and allows the infection to go faster.

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