Similarities and differences between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia La Crónica del Quindío


Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are not the same disorder, but may share dimensions of specific symptoms.

  Similarities and differences between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

In comparing schizophrenic patients and patients with bipolar disorder, four genomic regions were identified that contribute to the biological differences between the two. / Synch

The schizophrenia and the bipolar disorder are two distinct psychiatric disorders but they share clinical symptoms . Recent epidemiological and genetic studies have shown a substantial overlap between the two disorders but also differences in the genetic architecture.

In this work, carried out by the Task Force on Bipolar Disorders and Schizophrenia, the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium was studied in the genetic factors that contribute to the symptoms shared by the two disorders and the specific symptoms of each disorder.

From: How to Face Schizophrenia

"Identifying the genetic components that contribute to both disorders will give an idea of ​​the biology underlying the symptoms common to both disorders . important to identify specific genetic variants of a certain disorder and to discover how these genetic variants contribute to specific symptoms in order to choose the most appropriate treatment, "says Eduard Vieta, of the l 39; Clínic Hospital of Barcelona

. The authors badyzed the genetic data of more than 53,000 patients – 20,129 patients with bipolar disorder and 33,426 patients with schizophrenia – and more than 54,000 healthy volunteers from various centers around the world . As a result of these badyzes, [114,400,900] 114 loci were found to be involved in synaptic and neuronal pathways shared between the two disorders of which 32 loci had not previously been identified.

See also: Study reveals connection between placenta and development of schizophrenia

Comparing patients with schizophrenia and patients with bipolar disorder -23,585 vs. 15,270, respectively- four Genomic regions were identified that contribute to the biological differences between the two disorders

We also identified several genomic signatures that correlate between a disorder and a clinical symptom in the other disorder . For example, it has been found that polygenic risk markers for bipolar disorder (PRS), which are a quantitative measure of individual genetic burden, were badociated with –

Understanding Differential Aspects

Vieta notes that "in this study, we present a detailed genetic dissection of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia that points to a significant shared genetic risk but this also demonstrates that loci "Our data suggest that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder do not are not the same disorder, but neither completely independent diseases but may share specific symptom dimensions. which can be identified with the help of genetic information, which can finally help to better characterize the patient and guide the diagnosis and the therapeutic management ", he adds

From file: Bipolar disorder may commit suicide [19659007] "These new data approach us substantially to the understanding of the two major psychiatric syndromes schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and open for the first time time the way to understanding the differential aspects of their molecular genetics ", concludes the expert.

Agencia Sinc

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