Six cases of H1N1 flu confirmed in Córdoba


According to the Department of Health Department, four of the patients are in Montería, one in San Carlos and the other in Ayapel.

The National Institute of Health has confirmed the existence of six cases of H1N1 in Córdoba, including four patients in Montería and the other two in San Carlos and Ayapel, according to the Secretary of State. health, Eduardo Vélez.

Explained the official During this year, 48 samples were received from different SPIs, two of which were positive for respiratory syncytial virus and one for coronavirus.

Syncytial is similar to a cold and is usually common, but could be characterized in risk stage in infants. Meanwhile, the coronavirus is established as another respiratory disease that often manifests itself as nasal discharge and discharge, cough, sore throat and headache, fever, chills, and discomfort [19659006]. prevention and intensification of surveillance of acute respiratory infections, so that the public and private health network and the community itself are alert to warning signs such as: progressive deterioration, breathing difficulties, fever which does not stop in people over 5 years old. years and breathing faster than normal, fever that is difficult to control for more than two days, chest breathing, drowsiness or difficulty waking up, seizures or convulsions and cavities in children under 5 years of age, "1965, p. ] He explained that the Departmental Health Secretariat through the Expanded Program of Immunization, provides free vaccination to priority groups bone, children from 6 to 23 months, pregnant women from week 14, adults over 60 and general population with at-risk pathologies defined by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

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