Sleep apnea in babies, the terror of moms | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Sleep apnea, a disorder that causes recurrent respiratory pauses, may be quite common in infants and children. The causes are mainly related to the obstruction or narrowing of the nose, mouth or pharynx, as well as the absence of growth of the upper jaw or lower jaw.

Habits such as nasal breathing, sleep Quality and proper badfeeding definitely contribute to the growth of all the structures of the face and the adequate airways so that the air enters without difficulty into the babies [19659002] "Functional stimuli are a fundamental factor in the development of craniocefal and proper breathing.Parents must provide the necessary nutrients in the first months of life, so that children can grow up healthy, far from these types of disorders, "said Dr. Martin Orozco Fernandez, coordinator of maxillofacial surgery at Colsanitas University Clinic Colombia

Consider the following recommendations for the prevention of sleep apnea in infants:

1. Correct badfeeding for the stimulation of the child: during this process, which should last at least 6 months e xclusively according to the World Health Organization, the baby strives to suck the bad, which stimulates the growth of his jaw and maxillary. In addition, it provides the nutrients that the child needs for its development.

2. Sleeping to be able to grow: sleeping in babies is a fundamental factor because in this way your body generates growth hormone, which allows you to have appropriate craniofacial development. This is how the tube through which the minor breathes in its upper part is formed properly and prevents sleep apnea episodes.

3. When teeth appear, solid foods are fundamental: a diet with solid foods is essential to continue to stimulate the process of facial growth, which reaches six times 80% of the time. appearance that children will have when they are adults. Preparations such as porridge, creams and smoothies will not involve any effort when chewing or starting your muscles.

4. Control bad habits: It is important to prevent minors from sucking on their fingers or biting objects, as this can lead to deficiencies in cranio growth and development -facial.

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