Sleep disorders, more common than we think


Admittedly, falling into the arms of the Greek god Morpheus does not seem such an easy task. At least 59% of the Colombian population and 50% of the world share this appreciation. Sleep disorders therefore seem more common than we imagine and insomnia, apnea and snoring, restless leg syndrome, parasomnias and narcolepsy are among the first ghosts that affect a good sleep. There are about 100 with different characteristics.

"The dream is a physiological necessity, the brain needs to withdraw stimuli, among others, noise and light, in order to restore the processes during the different phases and consolidate the memory and information received the day ", indicates the doctor in neuroscience and professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antioquia, Luis Guillermo Duque.

It would be worthwhile to dust off the concept of good rest, in its broadest sense, and think about taking off the computer, the food, the long hours of television, and the chores of work or work. bed study. The adoption of a sleep hygiene is the key, as well as to consult a specialist in time when insomnia causes you anxiety, makes you experience difficult days in the daytime, or feels angry and has bad interpersonal relationships. An expert can help solve this problem from the root with treatments that can integrate drugs, alternative medicine and certain therapeutic processes. This is determined by the type of case

Obese people with respiratory problems, depressive tendencies, workers with nighttime schedules are more vulnerable to suffer from sleep disorders. However, it is likely that no matter who will suffer without it means that you should go to a specialist or directly affect their routine.

Bernardo Uribe García, clinical neurologist, says that "sleep is not the interruption of vitality during the hours of the night, but the recharge of energy" . Therefore, it is conclusive to say that sleep disorders do not only affect sleep, but the vitality of the day. Fatigue, concentration problems, poor work performance and depressed mood are the common denominators of those who do not have quality sleep

The most well-known sleep disorders in society are:

Insomnia. It can be caused by medical or psychiatric conditions and is often secondary to inadequate sleep patterns. The symptoms that characterize it are the difficulty of falling asleep after half an hour or more to try; dream that interrupts easily all night or at dawn, not to reconcile. Half of insomniacs have an badociated psychiatric illness: depression, anxiety, obsession or an emotional element that prevents them from sleeping.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It occurs when the upper muscles of the throat relax too much while you sleep, which limits the pbadage of oxygen. This produces an awakening and interruption of the sleep cycle, which causes the person to wake up frequently. Affected individuals do not usually remember these episodes. Symptoms are shortness of breath, loud and frequent snoring. The most vulnerable people are those who are obese, with a risk of cardiovascular disease.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). It is characterized by frequent movement of the limbs at the time of falling asleep. It causes the person to wake up, get out of bed to relax, therefore, have trouble falling asleep. The signs of this syndrome are the difficulty to fall asleep due to the feeling of agitation, movement without control of the legs. Pregnant women, people with eating disorders, kidney failure, diabetes and anemia are the most common.

Parasomnias. Abnormal or unusual behavior during sleep, including sleepwalking (sleepwalking), sleepiness (sleeping speech), bruxism (tooth wear), sleep myoclonus (lack of muscle control), badomnia (having bad), badual sleep) nightmares (night terrors), among others. These disorders predominate before the age of 18 years.

Narcolepsy . It's an extreme sleepiness during the day. It has paralysis of sleep and hallucinations, in some cases. Although it's usually a hereditary disorder, it can be presented by anyone, regardless of age.

The Colombian Association of Sleep Medicine (Acmes) offers the following guidelines for linking sleep hygiene to daily: to lie down and get up preferably at the same time; Rest in a dark, comfortable and quiet room, avoiding electronic equipment, this includes the cell phone; do not go to bed hungry or too full; if you are exercising, go to bed at least two hours after doing the routine; avoid dark drinks: coffee, tea, chocolate and energizers; if you can not fall asleep after going to bed, get out of bed and relax.

Keep in mind that good sleep is progressive and that everyone has specific health-related duties.

The dream is NOT MOR, or without quick eye movements, has three stages, in which gradually deepens the dream. Decrease muscle tone until completely relax, decrease heart rate and respiratory rate. Generally, it lasts between 90 minutes to 1 hour 15 minutes and predominates in children, in learning and growth processes.

REM sleep, or rapid eye movement, arrives at the third phase of the first phase, that is, 90 minutes to be asleep. There is brain repair, neural reorganization, memory consolidation and learning. Its duration is 20 to 30 minutes. This stage increases in the days of a lot of physical and intense wear.

The two phases alternate during the night. The ideal is that they occur between 3 and 5 cycles, from where it is necessary to sleep between 6 and 10 hours.

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