Smartphones kill the ability to remember teenagers


Photo: @debrownweb

(Caracas, July 24. News24) .-
A new study concludes that smartphones have a negative impact on the ability of adolescents to remember

] According to a study released Monday, the radiation of smartphones can cause short-term memory loss among youth, and it is estimated that after one year this could affect the part of the brain that interprets the images and shapes.

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The study, which was conducted by scientists from the Swiss Institute of Health and Public Health – Swiss TPH, by its acronym in English considered the habits of 700 young people in Switzerland, aged between 12 and 17 years, and determined that there is an impact on the performance of memory after exposure to electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation (RF-EMF) fields.

How to use the phone?

The director of the exhibition on the environment and health at TPH, Martin Röösli, badured that one way to minimize the risks to the brain is do not keep the phone at the head in particular "when the quality of the network is low and the phone is operating at full power," he said in a statement

. using hearing aids or with the speaker, in order to avoid taking the phone to the head.

Although Röösli has stated that the preliminary results "are inconclusive", he points out that in the use of mobile devices are sending text messages, gaming and browsing the Internet, as these produce only a "marginal exposure to RF-EMF radiation

With information by RT

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