Supermarkets: Cooratiendas plans additional sales for $ 1,000 million | Economy


The cooperative chain of supermarkets and minimercados, Cooratiendas, launches a new line of cleaning and household with products 100% Colombian as part of its sales strategy seeking to occupy a larger market line in competition with large and medium-sized surfaces and discount stores in Cundinamarca, Boyacá and Santander

The new clean brand line which includes products such as soaps, detergents, floor and kitchen cleaners among others, stems from the successful alliance with the national manufacturer Grupo Carlos Santa María, who will start the maquila for Cooratiendas in his new production plant located in the industrial area of ​​ Cazuca, locality of Soacha. [19659002] With this new line chain plans to gradually increase its sales by the order of one billion pesos in the coming months months from the month of July with new products that will benefit consumers and could mean savings between 20 to 30% compared to traditional brands

With this alliance, the chain seeks to generate more value for consumers and its traditional audience, located especially in strata 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Today Cooratiendas advance in the consolidation of new points of sale and already 300 points in cities such as: Bogota, Cundinamarca, Boyacá and Santander, which belong to its partners, also serve near 200 points of sale supp elementary belonging to third parties.

In accordance with the guidelines of the goal of the company is to be able to sell more than one billion additional pesos with the new line for the current year [19659009] (function (d, s, id) {
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