Supersociedades fined $ 5,078 million in Inassa


A delegation of the entity concluded that Inbada had incurred transnational bribery.

Lina María Guevara Benavides

The Supersociedades, led by Francisco Reyes Villamizar, reported from its offices that it imposed a $ 5,078 million fine on the Inter-American Society of Water and Water. services SA (Inbada), a subsidiary of the Spanish company Cbad Isabel II, for "transnational bribery".

"The decision was taken after the statement of the delegation of economic and accounting affairs of Supersociety Inbada had incurred in the conduct of the transnational corruption provided for in Law 1778, for having offered or made payments to Ecuadorian officials in 2016 ", Said the entity.

As explained by the agency, the sanctioned faculties of the Supersociety in The question of transnational bribery is exercised when a legal person, by the l & # 39; intermediary of employees, contractors, directors or partners, gives, offers or first, to a foreign official, sums of money or any object of pecuniary value in exchange for this realization, omit or delay an act related to his functions.



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