Sydney Airport launches facial recognition at its controls | Technology


The Australian airport has launched a test program in collaboration with Qantas airline to try to reduce waiting times in its facilities through facial recognition technology.

Sydney Airport launches facial recognition in their checks. Photo: Getty Images

Australia's Sydney Airport has launched a test program in collaboration with Qantas Airlines to try to reduce waiting times at its checkpoints security, at check-in counters the billing and other queues that are formed daily in their facilities to access, for example, various waiting rooms or even planes. pension.

The key to achieving your goal is to implement advances "In the future, it will no longer be necessary to juggle suitcases and pbadports at checkpoints, or to search pockets or phone at the present time. Your face will be the only identity document you need and it will be your boarding card in every step of the process before taking off, "said in a statement Ge Culbert, executive director of the airport

From Qantas, they hope that setting up an effective system to identify each pbadenger and barring him access by showing his face to a camera would help to provide his customers a more enjoyable travel experience and above all, faster.

The hopes they placed on this bet contrast with the disappointing results that the London Metropolitan Police has achieved with the use of recognition In spite of the advanced software that the authorities use to try to apply this tool in their favor in their daily work, it is thought that in 98% of cases, they gave negative or incorrect results. ts.

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