Teenager is infected with parasites by burrowing into the sand of the beach


A 17-year-old boy contracted a serious parasitic infection under his skin after his friends buried him in the sand of a beach in the United States.

This is Michael N., who was on vacation in Florida, and where, to have fun, he asked his friends to bury him in the sand, without imagining that a parasite was going on. would lodge in the skin under his feet.

The young American would later realize that he was infected with hookworms, parasites that move under the skin.

Four other young people traveling to the same destination also had symptoms of parasitic infection that usually occur in dogs and dogs. cats

The infection makes the larvae live, moves under the skin and causes painful sores and inflammation in the worm path area.

A doctor also confirmed that it was the migrant skin larva, a disease According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the skin of hookworm larvae is caused by hookworms

. feces from animals or humans that have the parasite, and humans can contract it simply by walking barefoot on the sand or on the soil that has been contaminated.

Kelli Mulhollen Dumas, mother of the young man, reported the areas of his son's feet, legs and bad were covered with an itchy rash, a tell-tale sign of some type d & # 39; hookworm.

The woman revealed the case, through a publication in her Facebook social network profile, where he asked for a prayer so that her son would soon recover his health, in addition to reporting the costs of treatment, which are not public in the United States.

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