Telefónica and Ericsson demonstrated how 5G technology would work


A speed of 27 GB per second has been reached

Johan Chiquiza Nonsoque – [email protected]

Although there is currently no mobile device ready for the As a result of the arrival of 5G, telecommunications companies are already preparing to reach the speed of this technology.

Telecommunication companies Telefónica and Ericsson demonstrated its advances in this area, through which it reached a speed of 27 Gb / s.

that by next year the first appropriate devices for the use of this technology will start to appear in the market, however, the beginning of the deployment of 5G would be for 2020 in the economies more developed, with which in 2023 12% of mobile subscriptions would be users of this technology.

Fabián Hernández, President and CEO of Telefónica in the country, said: We want to test the benefits of a new generation of mobile networks, such as 5G, which will allow our customers to download data, applications in real time, virtual reality games, real-time interactions and other developments in the IoT "

This is due to the fact that processes such as remote operations or manipulation of Remote vehicles require response times to be faster than what is offered with the system. current networks

"The test we are doing is very relevant to what comes with this technology will open opportunities that can not be scaled yet," concluded Ericsson Colombia CEO Andrés Quintero.

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