Television: This is the secret of Catalina Aristizábal to look so young (Super Human Challenge)


  It's the secret of Catalina Aristizábal to look so young

Instagram Catalina Aristizábal

By Publimetro Colombia

<! –
September 12, 2017/13: 30 hours

Instagram Catalina Aristizábal

  This is the secret of Catalina Aristizábal to look so young

Many wonder how she can stay as beautiful as in her youth. It is the secret of Catalina Aristizábal who looks so young

This is not the Colombian reality TV presenter who talked about the issue, it was her mother, the famous Yamile Humar, known for her beauty secrets. it is that both have a secret that could well be considered the elixir of eternal youth: both know how to make homemade collagen

Humar, who is nearly 80 years old, said to his followers on Instagram how to make this product. without leaving home

Here is the secret of Catalina Aristizábal to look so young

Here is the preparation:

  1. Buy the leg of beef and cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash the paw with a lot of water
  3. Rub with lemon to eliminate the bad smell that he sometimes has
  4. Bone
  5. Cook in the badping pot up to it is very soft, that is to say that it has a gelatinous appearance. in two parts: at first, brown sugar is added and small portions are made and the rest is kept in the freezer.

"You can use it as a condiment in soups, rice and cereals, it will give you a delicious flavor.Your BONES and your children will thank you," says Yamile in his publication


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