Thailand: The Unusual Plan That Has A Multi-Millionaire Physicist To Save Children Trapped In A Cave | Photo 1 of 4 | World


The living hell 12 children and their football coach after being trapped in a cave Thailand shocked the whole world. Friday night, it was reported that one of the rescuers trying to reach the area where they are isolated died due to lack of oxygen.

This aroused the benevolence of multimillionaire physicist Elon Musk founder of Tesla, SpaceX and The Boring Company, who sent a team of specialized engineers to deploy a strategy that – he ensures – will to specify the rescue

By his account of Twitter Musk gave details of his plan, inspired by the inflatable castles

"Maybe it's worth a try," he wrote, "insert a nylon tube one meter in diameter (or a set of shorter tubes for the more difficult sections) through the network of caves and inflate it with air, like an inflatable castle This should create an underwater air tunnel ceiling of the cave and conform to the strangest forms, such as the 70-centimeter hole, "he describes in his publication.

The Thai Government Confirmed this morning the arrival of one specialists from the region. It is expected that during the afternoon two more will arrive and one last Sunday.

Perhaps worth trying: insert into a 1 m diameter nylon tube (or a shorter set of tubes for the more difficult sections) through the cave network and inflate with from the air like an inflatable castle. Should create an air tunnel under the water against a cave roof and conform to odd shapes like the 70cm hole.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 6, 2018

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