That's the reason why Selena Gomez did not want to sing with Maluma


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Selena Gomez finally explained why she did not agree to make a duet with Maluma

At the beginning of last year, Sel and Maluma started following Instagram, which triggered the fury among fans who were screaming for a musical collaboration.

Maluma has always expressed interest in singing with Sel: " It would be a dream to work with her, she would be so beautiful, she is a great inspiration and a good example.It would be an honor to share a song with it, it would be beautiful . "

However, the duet never came, and in an interview for Clever TV Selena explained why she did not want to sing with Maluma: Hmm, I do not know, women are very important to me, so no matter what I do, I will always make sure that women are well taken care of, that's all what I will say, because I want to empower the feminine is always present in my life ". [19659005] This answer could be due to the Maluma song, "Cuatro babys", because in the past, Salt was against: " I can not believe that an artist from the stature of Maluma, in full of his success, he came up with a song against women, who are his main disciples.He has done a lot of harm to those who really make music, and with the talent he has, he should not feel the need to resort to such low methods

. "

OMG! Maluma will stay in a dream, would you have liked that Selena gave Maluma a chance?

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