The 7 series that have been key to the huge success of Netflix



When Netflix started making its own content, success came.

In its beginnings, the online content platform (streaming, in English) was used by subscribers to see series episodes like Breaking Bad, which they had not seen during from their creation

but as society grew, it became more known for producing its own high quality content


So doing a Netflix marathon has become a favorite pastime for many people.

Breaking Bad, with Bryan Cranston, was produced by AMC and originally aired in 2008 and since then it has become In a cult series,

But its creator, Vince Gilligan, has acknowledged that Netflix helped the series gain popularity around the world.

Here are other series that helped Netflix become a key player. of the television industry:

1. House of Cards

The award-winning political drama was one of the first original series of Netflix and quickly became the spearhead of the company, while consolidating the platform's reputation for creating productions addictive.

Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, of House of Cards, tell the story of MP Frank Underwood and his ruthless plan to get power in Washington DC, helped by his wife Claire.

In 2013, the series received nine Emmy nominations and became the first online television series to compete for these coveted industry awards.

However, the future of the series was left unresolved after Spacey was fired due to allegations of badual abuse.

] Wright will play the shortest and last season of the series, due out later this year.

2. Orange is the new black

Based on a true story, the series revolves around Piper Chapman, a middle-clbad woman sentenced to 15 months in prison after being convicted of smuggling money from drugs .

debut in July 2013, the program has won several awards, from Emmy to the Golden Globe.

He was also commended for his treatment of racial issues, baduality, gender and LGBT communities. 19659002] In an interview with The Guardian in 2016, Kate Mulgrew, who plays Red, a powerful recluse of Litchfield Penitentiary, said, "The television up until now had been afraid to show this side of women."

3 13 Reasons Why

Based on the novel written by Jay Asher, 13 reasons why revolves around teenagers Clay Jensen and his friend Hannah Baker, who committed suicide after suffering at the age of 12. school culture of harbadment and gossip. 19659002] Hannah takes out a box with tapes that she has recorded in which she gives 13 reasons why she decided to end her life.

The series sparked a great online debate between viewers, experts and parents

In addition to the conversation and reflections, the protagonists Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette, who played Hannah and Clay, were commended for their chemistry on the screen.

The first season consists of: basically in 13 hours of suspense, anxiety and lack of love, so those seeking a serial marathon should have a tissue box nearby.

4. Stranger Things

Another series with a cast of young actors is undeniably one of the most popular of Netflix: Stranger Things.

In the 1980s, the series begins when Will Byers is kidnapped by a mysterious creature. 19659002] In the first season, we follow his mother Joyce, played by Winona Ryder, in his fight to find his son while the group of friends of Will makes his own efforts for the cause.

Teens also receive help from Eleven, played by Millie Bobby Brown.

Since debuting in 2016, Stranger Things has been hailed by its talented cast and has received several nominations and awards from the industry.

This year, Brown received his second Emmy nomination for his role in Eleven

5. The Crown

This splendid drama, which was premiered in 2016, is a biographical story about the reign of Elizabeth II of England

The series begins with an inside look at the early days of marriage of the queen and the duke. from Edinburgh, until his accession to the throne after the sudden death of his father.

In addition, he depicts the romances and political rivalries that shaped the United Kingdom in the 20th century.

The first season was the most expensive drama produced Netflix, with a value of at least 130 million US dollars.

Given the beauty of dresses and jewelry, fans of the series claim that it is money well spent

. Narcos

The first two seasons are based on the story of Pablo Escobar, the Colombian drug baron who once traded most of the cocaine consumed in the United States, a case that made him a multimillionaire. is praised for the suspense and the story.

The main actor, Wagner Moura, who plays Escobar, was highly commended for his performance.

When director José Padilha offered the role to Moura after working together in a Brazilian crime drama, he did not speak a word of Spanish (used in half of the dialogues).

But the actor spent months away from his family in Medellín (Colombia) and learned the language.

Although he received criticism for his Brazilian accent, he received a Golden Globe nomination in 2016.

7. Grace and Frankie

Featuring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, "Grace and Frankie" focus on the unexpected friendship of two women who meet after their husbands fall in love and make plans to get married.

The first season of the program received mixed reviews, it's his star cast that left the audience asking for more.

The series brought back Fonda and Tomlin to the screen after playing in the comedy of the 80s "From 9 to 5."

"Grace and Frankie" began to have a more positive response from the public in their last seasons, winning four Emmy nominations and a Golden Globe nomination.

Marta Kauffman, The Executive Director of the Series told the Hollywood Reporter last year that she wanted to give a platform to actresses over 70 who are "tired of playing grandmothers" .

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