The actress who was a couple of Luis Miguel and his father, Luisito Rey


A little known relationship, in the history of Luis Miguel, was the one he had with the actress and singer Abril Campillo . The artist was important in the family because she was also a partner of her father, Luisito Rey .

Campillo – deceased in 2017, victim of cancer – was always discreet about his past. However, before her death, she spoke with Mexican journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante about his relationship with his father and son.

She revealed that she had always been in love with El Sol, but to reach it, all the girls had to be with Rey. . "All the women who went with Luis Miguel went through the father first, and those who did not, the father directed them (…) It was necessary to go through the customs for the father, "he said.

The actress was a couple of Luis Rey between 1985 and 1986, while she had just disappeared Marcela Basteri the mother of the performer from "La uncondicional". In the late eighties, she began dating her son


Abril Campillo was born in 1958 and Luis Miguel was born in 1970. According to she, her birth certificate is apocryphal because he said that Luisito Rey wanted to show his son younger than him. "She was crazy," she says.

She recounts that when she started going out "El Sol" in the late 80s, he was over 20 years old and had experience with older women (Lucía Méndez) . The couple lived in Spain, the United States and Mexico, but the actress said that far from living off the luxury of others, she had to share her savings.

According to the family of Abril Campillo, before his death, she was expecting an apology from Luis Miguel . "He did not behave like a gentleman while he was with my mother, she always supported him economically in everything, and morally, I would like him to come and ask for forgiveness," said his son Michel, the day of his funeral.

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