The American trade war affects Latin American bags that close in red


The Latin American stock markets have lost ground today after Wall Street had a day marked by red numbers, impacted by the new tariffs that Washington plans to impose in Beijing and which threaten to intensify the trade war between the two countries. Dow Jones Industrial, its leading indicator, fell 0.88% to 24,700.45, while the S & P 500 fell 0.71% to 2,774.02 units

. , the Nasdaq composite market index, in which major groups in the technology sector are rated, lost 0.55% or 42.59 points, to 7,716.61.

Fear of an upsurge in the trade war between EE .US. and China, full of fear of operators, once knew Washington's intention to impose new tariffs, increasingly, in Beijing.

On Tuesday, the government of Donald Trump announced that he is considering sanctioning with 10% tariffs, China, meanwhile, has been quick to announce countermeasures, even though it is n & # 39; 39 has not provided details yet.

19659002] Texas Intermediate Oil (WTI) was also affected by the resurgence of the trade dispute, which had a negative impact on major European and Asian markets.

In Latin America, the tense tariff situation is reflected in the closed corros in negative with the exception of Mexico.

Weighed by the announcement of the United States to impose new tariffs on China, the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange subtracted 0.62% and its Ibovespa index bequeathed up to 74,398 points, something that has been reflected in the prices of oil and iron.

In corro paulista papers were traded for 9,919.9 million reais (about 2,610.5 million dollars).

The Merval index of Buenos Aires fell 1.46% to 27,231.78 units, for a total amount of 512.94 million pesos in shares (about 18.38 million dollars).

In Chile, the IPSA, its main indicator, recorded a decline of 0.48% and closed at 5,297.49, after movements of 93,377,521,256 pesos (about 142.99 million dollars).

The Colombian Stock Exchange lost 0.45% in its capitalization index (Colcap) with 1 554.15 points, after a sale of 99.758.77 million Colombian pesos (about 33.5 million dollars).

The Montevideo index fell by 0, 15% and rose to 109.31 units, with total transactions for 95 707 357 Uruguayan pesos (about $ 3,057,374 dollars).

The Lima index finished at 19,711.52 points, after yielding 1.54% on a sale of 20,333,322 soles (approximately $ 6,215,290).

The main indicator of the Mexican Stock Exchange, the price and quotation index (CPI) rose by 0.07% and registered 49,025.15 after achieving 16,075 million Mexican pesos (about 843, $ 8 million).

announcements of the British oil company BP after the opening of several petrol stations in the state of Campeche in southeastern Mexico and the Spanish company Repsol to overcome the 50 petrol stations at Mexico

. 19659002] Closing points of the market
SAO PAULO -0.62% 74.398
MEXICO + 0.07% 49.025.15
BUENOS AIRES -1.46% 27 231.78
SANTIAGO -0.48 % 5 297.49
COLOMBIA -0.45% 1,554.15
LIMA -1.54% 19,711.52
MONTEVIDEO -0.15% 109.31

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