The application & # 39; energy rose 3.9% in June this year


Economy to & # 39; writing.

The increasing demand & # 39; energy in all parts of the country, said the report XM & # 39; company.

In June this year the growth was recorded in the application & # 39; energy 3.9% compared to the same month of 2017 rose 2.2%, reported operator XM National interconnected system (NAS) and a director of wholesale market of & # 39; energy in Colombia.

This behavior is located slightly above scenario called as a means by U Mining nity and the & # 39; planning energy (UPME).

XM said press report in June 2018 request for & # 39; energy was 5697 GWh (gigawatt / hour), while the record for the same month year ago Deun was 5,493 GWh.

growth in demand for & # 39; energy is calculated as the weighted average of the growth of different ti after day (commercial, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), the report says the company subsidiary ISA. "This type of calculation decreases fluctuations occurring in the monthly monitoring, resulting from the use consumption & # 39; energy compared to the number of days reported during the month & # 39; s badysis," explains & # 39 ;study.

Discriminated by type of consumer consumption in the residential and small business growth (regulated market) of 3.3% was introduced; Meanwhile, consumption of & # 39; Industry and Commerce ( unregulated market ) increased by 5.0%, the report.

By region, the highest demand was recorded on the Atlantic coast with 6.8% 6.2% Guaviare, Valle 4.2% THC (Tolima, Huila, Caqueta) 3.3% 2 Chocó, 4%, is 2.3% South 2.3%, Antioch 2.2%, 2.2% and central CQR (Caldas, Quindio, Pereira) 2.1%.

"The application & # 39; continuous energy & # 39; increase in both types of consumers; in the & # 39; Activities of the unregulated with the strongest growth market was the & # 39; agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing with 13.2%, while the & # 39; activity down is the & # 39 ; electricity, town gas and the & # 39; water with 7.9%, "said J like Alejandro Zapata National manager center & # 39; shipping XM.

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