The challenges of breast cancer


One of the most common cancers among women in Latin America is bad cancer, and the reality is that its incidence is increasing in this region.

Seven years ago, there were about 152,000 new cases of cancer and if the outlook continues as it has been until now, it is expected that 240,000 women will be diagnosed in 2030.

Increase would be 57%, as warned the director of the center of American cancer treatment centers, Ricardo Álvarez

Between 30% and 40% of cases of Breast cancer in this region are diagnosed at an advanced stage, he added at the Roche Press Day 2018.

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If we WORLDWIDE, 1.67 million women worldwide are diagnosed with bad cancer each year, said Daniel Ciriano, Medical Director of Roche LATAM.

Since 2008 until 2012, the incidence has increased by 22%. A disease that accounts for 25% of all cancers

Every minute a woman dies of bad cancer worldwide, said in this event held in Cali, Colombia.

In Panama in 2016, the incidence was 691 cases. Meanwhile, from January to August 2017, the registered figure is 395 bad cancer cases treated at the National Cancer Institute, according to the latest figures offered by the Department of Health Records and Statistics of this hospital .

Without a doubt, one of the main challenges in this ailment is still the timely diagnosis said Ciriano, since the treatment has progressed.

More precision

According to the specialists, thanks to the research, progress has been made in the treatment of this cancer and other cancers.

In recent years, drugs have been developed for more accurate, less toxic, shorter-lasting treatments and, for this reason, bad cancer has seen a decline in deaths, says Alvarez.

In Latin America, deaths have decreased by 39% over the past 15 years, he adds.

On the other hand, Ciriano mentions that the treatments are more targeted, that is to say that the cancer is attacked in a personalized way.

However, the task continues to be the focus on education for patients and medical staff, and thus carry out the diagnosis. Recoz that will save the lives of thousands of people.

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