The Colombian oil pipeline of Caño Limón-Coveñas resumes its activity after 180 days of paralysis | AmericaEconomy


Bogotá.- The Colombian pipeline Caño Limón-Coveñas resumed operations after a 180-day paralysis due to a series of attacks by the guerrillas of the Liberation Army National (ELN) and the theft of crude oil with illegal valves. The 773-kilometer pipeline, which has experienced its longest paralysis since it was commissioned in December 1985, was the target of 58 attacks attributed this year to ELN, "The operation was reinstated on July 10 and up to now, there have not been any new problems, "said one of the sources consulted at Reuters

. Pumping suspension by pipeline attacks, which has the capacity to transport more than 200,000 barrels per day from production fields in the Arauca department operated by Occidental to a port in the Caribbean Sea from where the oil is exported, started on January 10th.

The pumping paralysis did not affect the production of the Caño Limón fields because of the oil discharged by another pipeline. According to sources in the oil sector and Ecopetrol, it has not changed exports either

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