The deadline for payment of the ICA has been extended to July 23


The District Treasury Department informed that, considering that next Friday July 20 is a holiday in Colombia, the deadline to declare income earned during the months of May and June 2018 (third quarter) is transferred for Monday, July 23 following

The entity recalled that those who must declare this income are the common regime taxpayers who, during the 2017 taxation year, had a tax imposed at the ICA higher than 12-457,000 pesos (391 UVT). 19659003] The procedures can be performed from the Virtual Office, entering through the portal

For the liquidation of the ICA, and to determine the value to be paid, it must be taken into account the information on the income obtained during the period concerned and apply the rate corresponding to the code of the economic activity developed.

If the company has opinions exposed to the public, Additional percentage of the value of the tax collected and deducting deductions made during the period.

In relationship

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