The former employee Apple tried to flee to China and is accused of stealing secrets from autonomous cars – Appliances – Technology


Former Apple employee, captured at the airport by US authorities. UU, is accused in a lawsuit of stealing trade secrets related to the development of Apple's autonomous driving technology and trying to share secret business information with Chinese company Xiaopeng Motors.

According to the lawsuit, the former employee, Xiaolang Zhang, revealed his intention to work for a Chinese driverless start-up and booked a last-minute flight to China after downloading the plan for a personal computer . for a car without a driver. The authorities arrested Zhang on July 7 at the San Jose airport after crossing a security checkpoint.

"We are working with the authorities on this and will do everything possible to make sure that this person and the other people involved are responsible for their actions," Apple said in a statement.

The criminal complaint filed with the US District Court. UU Zhang was hired to develop software and hardware for Apple's autonomous vehicle project, where he designed and tested printed circuit boards to badyze sensor data

. paternity after the birth of a child and traveled with his family to China. When he came back, he told his supervisor that he was planning to resign, to return to China and work for Xiaopeng Motors, a smart electric vehicle company based in Silicon Valley. Apparently, after leaving Apple, Zhang was hired by XMotors, a wholly owned subsidiary of Xiaopeng Motors.

According to the lawsuit, the former employee's supervisor reported the irregularity to Apple's security officers, who discovered that Zhang had extensive searches were performed in databases Secret and entered the campus of Apple on April 28, date on which it was badumed that he would be on paternity leave.

While he was on campus – according to the lawsuit – Zhang took circuit cards and a computer server in a laboratory of self-directed hardware. About 5,000 of the 135,000 Apple employees had access to information about their driverless car project, but only 2,700 had access to the secret databases that Zhang would have accessed.

To take the material from the laboratory, Zhang would have told other officials that he was taking it because he wanted to move on to a new position at Apple and thought it would be helpful to him, according to the trial.

Zhang allegedly also downloaded data into a personal computer, including a 25-page secret plan of a printed circuit board for a self-driving car, that the US authorities. UU They described it as "a single file" that "serves as the basis for the immediate criminal charge". "

Chinese company XMotors said Wednesday in a statement that it was" very concerned "and that" there is no indication that (Zhang) has ever communicated sensitive information from Apple to XMotors He added that he had terminated his Zhang job and is currently cooperating with US authorities to gather more details about the case.

The FBI interrogated Zhang and executed a search warrant. search at his home on June 27. He realized that he had bought a "last-minute" round trip air ticket for China on July 7 and stopped Zhang at the airport. Airport

* With Reuters

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