The franchise fair in Bogota is waiting for business for $ 12 million »Eje21


Bogotá, July 10 (EFE) .- The International Fair of Business and Franchising (Fanyf) of Bogotá plans to carry out business for at least $ 12 million with the presence of more than 100 companies of Colombia and abroad. organizers.

"Transactions of more than $ 12 million are planned between the main franchises and unit franchises," Fanyf director Luis Felipe Jaramillo

told Efe. , which began today and will continue until tomorrow at the International Business Center (Corferias), will host 59 Colombian companies, 16 of which are participating for the first time with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). ) and Propais.

There will also be 43 foreign brands, 27 of which will arrive for the first time in Mexico, Spain, Israel, France, Peru, Japan, the United States and Brazil, among others. [19659003] Jaramillo explained that in Colombia there are a total of 506 franchised brands, of which 58% are national and 42% foreign, which generate 52,000 jobs and stimulate the economy of the sector. a company that is growing at double digits with a weighted average of 14% on the supply side and consecutive over the last 12 years, and 13% on the demand side over the same period, " he said. In addition, the Executive Director of Invest in Bogota, Juan Gabriel Pérez, badured that "the arrival of foreign direct investment through franchises strengthens the economy of Bogota and allows the transmission of good practices that many of these companies have incorporated into their DNA. "

The director added that for this sector, which has grown by 31% over the last two years, Bogotá offers one of the" most attractive markets in Latin America "for companies that operate in America Latin America's gourmet sector has the highest number of franchises in the country (188), followed by services (86), fashion (81), specialty trade (75), beauty and health ( 48) and drive (28) EFE

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