The future of works – El Pilón


In the report of the World Economic Forum "The future of employment 2016: Employment, skills and strategy of the workforce for the fourth industrial revolution". The founder of the Davos Forum, Klaus Schwab, highlights the new industrial revolution (the fourth, after that born from the steam engine, electricity and computer science).

The drivers of change are artificial intelligence and hyperconnectivity.

The expected impact on the workplace is vast and deep and will manifest itself in different ways in different parts of the world.

The report points out that the most widespread trend is the change in the forms of work resulting from the new features offered by technology. In addition to the future expansion and evolution of telework arrangements or flexible and collaborative work, an important point is that the employer's orbit expands to other forms of contract outside the traditional fixed-income, full-time and with a regular presence in the Office We expect a dramatic decline in jobs, particularly in the administrative and office sector, and growth (albeit much less) professions based on computer science, mathematics and engineering.

It should be noted that the job is not the same and the work, concepts that, although they usually equate, in economics, they are very different. However, the government sphere responsible for the design of public policies must develop the trend of changes in the forms of work, to badyze the main conclusion of the report of the World Economic Forum, in which it urges the education systems of the world to prepare

Creating jobs does not have magic formulas, business management is the most expeditious method.

In fact, methodological control is important as the badysis of trends. Valuing the diagnosis is useful as long as it leads to action plans with a time horizon that answers the question: Why did an investor decide to settle in another country ( municipality) and not in another?

By 2050, 70% of the world's population will be urban. This situation at the territorial level will bring new challenges, such as, for example, the creation of more jobs, housing, energy and infrastructure needed to tackle poverty in cities and develop mechanisms to stop the spread of human settlements. avoid excessive contamination and destruction of the environment. This set of variables is no different for Colombia, therefore, they must become government initiatives to deal with the challenges imposed by the immediate future.

When looking at the DANE statistics, I found the annual unemployment rate data in the country. the year 2006. I took the information of the last seven years (2010 – 2017), by averaging, the final result was 9.9%. The figure is alarming and alarming, is designing an emergency treatment. To correct this reality, the government must create stimuli and conditions, not mistakes due to investor confidence, to motivate business management in the interest of economic growth in order to finance the instruments of the social cohesion. This process must not only go to investment in sectors such as mining, hydrocarbons or utilities, promote entrepreneurship and management of small and medium enterprises is urgent, as the application to the events of the future of the fourth industrial revolution. 19659002] Luis Elquis Diaz- @ LuchoDiaz12

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