The H1N1 flu virus in Valle del Cauca leaves two dead: this year, two people are killed by the H1N1 virus in Valle del Cauca | Cali


There is an alert from health authorities in Valle del Cauca for an H1N1 outbreak, where cases have increased.

According to the Departmental Secretary of Health, Maria Cristina Lesmes, the monitoring and control tasks have already been increased because there is also a report that currently covers 26 other cases.

"Since January, we have had cases of H1N1 flu in a number that coincided with what was expected, but now an epidemic is already established, we have had two deaths and we have 26", said Lesmes. ] According to the experts, influenza H1N1 has symptoms similar to those of other influenza, ie fever, cough, headache, muscle or joint pain, sore throat throat, chills, fatigue and, in some cases, diarrhea and vomiting.

That is why the department official recommended to be alert to the symptoms and to go to the doctor because it is a virus that can s'. aggravate.

"We must pay attention to the symptomatology: the H1N1 has a special medicine, it is Tamiflu, which is issued by the national government and it is recommended to take care not to allow the deterioration of the disease. a person with this disease ". .

In turn, he badured that there is more control in the municipalities of the northern Cauca Valley where the latest cases were presented.

Cali health secretary Alexander Durán said the city had some peace because they injected more than 80,000 doses of the flu vaccine.

"We had an epidemic in an institution, but we followed it so that there were no new cases," Durán told Radio Caracol.

However, health advocate spokespersons in the city have urged authorities to make urgent efforts in emergency rooms and health posts to avoid confusing H1N1 flu with a common virus . .

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