The house painted as Van Gogh's "Starry Night" that pitted a family against the Florida authorities


A Florida couple adopted an original solution to prevent their son from getting lost on his way home.

Nancy Nemhauser and Lubomir Jastrzebski, of Mount Dora, Florida, USA, hired artist Richard Barrenechea in 2017 for he painted everything outside of his house like the painting "The Starry Night" , one of the most famous works of the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh

But the idea, more than to help, posed them problem.

this year, the Town Hall of Mount Dora tells them that the mural violates b the code of signaling of the city and that it could be a distraction for motorists

They were asked to remove it and they were fined 10,000 US dollars.

Tweet from the author of the painting showing the above and after the house.

Freedom of expression [19659013] The mother, for her part, sued the municipality for violating the family's right to freedom of expression and argued that the painting was intended to 39 to help his son, who is autistic, to go home.

son, age 25, "fascination with Vincent Van Gogh" reports the newspaper The Washington Post .

"At least mentioning Van Gogh's house, people could help (locate)," Nemhauser told the Reuters news agency


Tuesday, the council Municipal Mount Dora unanimously agreed to cancel the fine, to allow the work to remain and, under an agreement, to pay the family 15 US $ 000.

In addition, the mayor of the city, Nick Girone, publicly apologized to the couple and said their city has a long history of supporting artists.

Local artist Richard Barrenechea, author of the mural, celebrated the news on his Twitter account.

The house has become a small tourist attraction in the city, which is located about 40 kilometers northwest of Orlando.

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