The Journal of Mexico | News from Mexico | Health


Cali (Colombia), July 8 (EFE) .- The media have the responsibility to generate debate, be critical and play a key role in the fight against cancer, said Carlos Francisco Fernández at Efe. Councilor of the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation for the New Ibero-American Journalism (FNPI)

"We need to generate debate, we must lose the fear to investigate, to do in-depth journalism, to deal with issues like if they were the premises Fernandez, also medical advisor of Casa Editorial El Tiempo

At the celebration of the day of the press of Roche 2018, Fernandez gave a course on the investigative journalism applied to the problems of to the 70 Latin American journalists present at the event organized by the pharmaceutical company Roche.

Fernández emphasized that communicators should become leaders on topics such as Ancer "educate, denounce, show the progress, they must turn to fight against cancer. "

He adds that another responsibility of the press in health matters is that the m You need to be a detailed follow-up for things "

" We must be visionaries of resources, whether they are rare or numerous, we must be aware that they are used as they should be. " ;be. The role is not to remain silent, "he said.

He said communicators have" unanswerable responsibilities in terms of reporting, information, illustration, to be the sights of a society facing an evil like cancer that devastates much more than "

The FNPI advisor explained that in Latin America, corruption issues are affecting health Population.

"It is doubly corrupt to deny anyone the possibility of having a diagnosis, either because of deviations from austerity, or because from an economic point of view, others things are privileged, "he said.

Fernández insists that those who divert people's resources "are more criminal than any other corrupt in the world."

He noted that governments should recognize the value of the health and well-being of the population as the key to community development and that this issue should be given priority in public programs to understand that if well-being people are not guaranteed "we are lost as part of the development."

"You must know that if However, he said that even if the money is thought to solve the health problems, the fact is that the education of the population with regard to such diseases that cancer is a health problem. "It must be kept in mind that one-third of cancers are preventable, essentially changing lifestyle, air quality, nutrition, avoiding risk factors such as the consumption of sugary drinks, cigarettes, He said that the media had a lot to contribute in the fight against noncommunicable diseases, because "in the case of cancer, it is not not necessary Finally, he stressed that journalists must act "from the denunciation, advances, the proposed plan." Our role should not be foreign or be left out by all areas of a society that must turn specifically to cope with cancer. "[1 9659002] The workshop given by Fernandez and the FNPI was organized for the Roche Press Day in which the pharmaceutical company Roche annually calls about 70 journalists to report on the latest medical advances in the region, in addition to promoting the 39 Improved training and knowledge of communicators on health issues.


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