The method "Wolbachia" in BCS is different and without risk: Secretary of Health


La Paz, Baja California Sur.- After it was said that the use of Wolbachia bacteria in mosquitoes to reduce dengue, zika and chincungunya in Baja California Sur (BCS) would not work and would be a risk to the community as they were In the case of the Cayman Islands and Florida in the United States, the health secretary of the entity Víctor George Flores pointed out that the method being processed is different from previous locations and does not pose a risk.

news about the possible resistance of Moscovas to such diseases, mutations or diseases of another type will be treated, the official pointed out that the World Mosquito program has worked in 12 countries, besides it is approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Association, "there are very serious studies and these badertions arise from social networks, create this mistrust, link it to the cancer, with rickettsia but not, nothing "Here, my family lives, my children, my friends, I would never expose them, we do these activities for the benefit of all, we innovate to avoid dengue, chikunkuya. It is not good that speculation is made, but it is good that the citizens are informed and we want them to ask for them to be up to date, we do not hide anything ", at- he added in the company of the health authorities.

was there a risk, it would not be approved by the WHO and the civil badociations or local scientific groups would already be disagree with the World Mosquito Program, noting that this method will not be applied as in other places where the mosquitoes are sterile, but here we will only avoid that dengue, Zika and Chincungunya die in the mosquito with Wolbachia, not to infect the man, he said.

After inaugurating the insectarium that will create thousands of these mosquitoes with this helpless bacterium for humans, it is expected that d & # 39; 39; here the month of September they will be ready to be released progressiv For this reason, the 6-month authorities will reduce these diseases by up to 80%.