The Mexican group Zoé announced his arrival in October at the Movistar Arena in Bogotá


They expect a presence of more than 10,000 spectators

César D. Rodríguez Flórez – [email protected]

After the announcement that confirmed the arrival in Colombia Sting artists and Shaggy for the inauguration of Movistar Arena in Bogotá, October 21, the announcement of the arrival of the group of Zoe to the new capital became official

The presentation of the & Zo [[[[[[[[[[[[[oneofthemostimportantrockbandsinLatinAmericawilltakeplaceonSaturday6thOctoberLeónLarreguiSergioAcostaJesúsBáezÁngelMosquedaandRodriGuardiolawillreturntothecountrywithashowthatwilltransportalltheirfanstoAztlánthelostAzteccitygiveshisnametohissixthwork

As announced by the marketing director of Movistar Colombia, Jorge Ríos, with the arrival of the scene Movistar Preferencial customers will be able to access the box office during the pre-sale phase. [19659004] This will start on Monday, July 16th from 9am. and it will be extended until Wednesday, July 18, also at 9:00. From this moment, the sale of tickets to the general public will be activated.

According to the organization, the pre-sale prices were defined, depending on the location, as follows: $ 149,000 of cash, $ 125,000 on the second floor and $ 85,000 on the third floor , plus the value of the service.

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