The Microsoft multinational reaches sales of 100 billion dollars for the first time


In four years at the helm of technology, Satya Nadella has managed to increase the turnover by nearly 30%

The era that Satya Nadella ushered in taking the lead of Microsoft four years ago software to overcome, for the first time in its history, the annual bill of US $ 100,000. This is the result of Nadella's success in her attempt to reconvert Microsoft from a PC software company to a high-growth enterprise cloud service provider.

During these four years, Nadella was able to increase Microsoft's 27% turnover to exceed in the last fiscal year, ended June 30, the US $ 110,360 million. Operating profit rose 26% over this period, up to 35 billion US dollars.

The value of the company has tripled on the stock market, exceeding 820 billion US dollars. Microsoft is not only the third most valuable company in the world, but it is competing with Apple and Amazon to determine who will be the first to reach the one trillion capitalization. Last year, the share was rebadessed by 43%. Yesterday, in the mid-session, shares rose about 3%, placing the price above US $ 107.

Microsoft, which has arrived late to breakthroughs in the technology industry as mobile devices, has gone on to the clock in the cloud computing train, exploiting in recent years the possibilities business that involves the change of consumption model computing capabilities by companies, which adopt the payment per use formula.

Its Azure public cloud infrastructure platform, competing with Amazon Web Services, grew 89% in the fourth quarter, above badysts' forecasts. In October, ahead of schedule, the company announced that it had achieved an annualized turnover with Azure (a figure four times higher than last quarter's business figure) of $ 20 billion. US dollars.

Microsoft knows how to take advantage of its presence in the enterprise market their solutions in the cloud. In recent months, he has announced major contracts with companies such as Walmart, General Electric, Bayer and Starbucks.

Azure holds 16% of the global cloud infrastructure market, placing Microsoft as the second-largest Amazon Web services provider, according to Cbadys.

The boom in the cloud services business is behind the good results of the fourth quarter, in which the company increased revenue by 17%, to exceed $ 30,000 US million, while the profit rose 10%, up to US $ 8,873 million.

Nadella pointed out yesterday how the company was able to successfully anticipate new trends in the technology industry. [ad_2]
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