The most common diseases of dogs


by: Uniradio News – July 21, 2018, 20:16 pm

By Primavera Fraijo

Hermosillo .- A pet not only gives you company and joy in your life, it also gives you many responsibilities.

Dogs, preferred in homes, also suffer from diseases and, in many cases, they can become fatal. Therefore, it is important that you learn to distinguish, prevent and treat any disease.

The veterinarian, Tomás Campos, in an interview for UniradioNoticias, explains the main diseases that dogs can suffer:

Distemper, distemper or distemper is the most common disease frequent in these animals.

"It starts with a digestive phase, then respiratory it's what gives the name of" distemper "to the disease, and then a nerve phase," says the vet.

The distemper can be fatal in puppies The change of teeth and in old dogs, however, at any age can present this disease. The best medicine is preventive

Gastrointestinal diseases, such as parvovirus or coronavirus, are viral diseases. Mortality is higher in the case of parvovirus. The duration is 72 hours, and it is possible to be saved if it is treated on time.

"The virus has an appetite for heart fibers … the dog usually dies from cardiac arrest," says Dr. Campos

. The main symptoms of parvovirus are very severe vomiting, abundant and bloody diarrhea, rapid dehydration, among others.

Rage . This disease in Sonora is very well controlled, for years it has not been a case in the entity. This is the only vaccine that, according to the law, they ask all owners to ask their dogs.

Rickettsia . Disease of bacterial origin, the vector is the infested tick that raises the dog. In Sonora, it is very common, because of the climate and the amount of ticks that exist in the state. It is a chronic degenerative disease, very acute, which slowly kills the dog.

The main recommendation that veterinarian Tomás Campos mentions to us, is to keep the ticks free from the area where the dog is kept, constantly checking that his body is tick-free, in addition, that the walls are painted white to detect the presence of ticks.

In any case, the best thing will always be prevention, and in the case of presenting diseases come with a veterinarian.

Let's take care of our pets!

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