The number of measles cases imported into Colombia increases to 34


A 34 increased the number of people infected with the measles virus in Colombia ; as confirmed by National Institute of Health (INS), after an evaluation in different cities of the country.

The cases presented in Antioquia, Arauca, Barranquilla, Bogotá, Bolivar, Cartagena, Cauca, Caesar, Norte de Santander, Risaralda, Santa Marta and Sucre, were followed by the doctors in the different centers of health comply with all protocols for this type of diseases.

The Surveillance System recorded that in this year 2018 were known 2,823 suspected cases of measles of which were judged 2,577.

According to the (INS), of the 34 confirmed cases of measles 23 are imported from Venezuela, while eight cases are secondary transmission among Venezuelan people, but residing in Venezuela. Colombia more than four months ago, without knowing the history of vaccines in the country.

The epidemiological bulletin also confirmed that there are 215 cases in the study at the National Institute of Health where all samples sent from different regions of the country are evaluated.

Measles is an infectious disease caused by various viruses transmitted from one person to another by saliva, either by contact or by aerial transmission, and which is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin

The disease presents itself with other symptoms that can be complicated if the necessary precautions are not taken; This can be complicated by pneumonia, ear infections and diarrhea, which can lead to death and also lead to serious situations in pregnant women and even cause an abortion or premature birth.

According to the Department of Health the disease can be prevented by the triple viral vaccine (measles, r ubelol, parotidit – SRP) applied to children One year and reinforcement to five years, as well as children up to 10 years, 11 months and 29 days.

It can also be avoided with the double viral vaccine (measles, rubella) for children over 11 years of age and adults who have not yet been immunized or n '. have not had the disease.

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