The Pink Cycle Returns to La Tertulia's Cinematheque to Celebrate Diversity


July 03, 2018 – 23:45



Editorial of El País

From this Friday until July 10, the Cinematheque of the Museum of La Tertulia will hold a new edition The Rosa Film Series, which has been for 17 years, is an audiovisual celebration celebrating badual diversity.

The cycle consists of an international exhibition of films, which includes films from the Selection Queer at the Berlinale 2018, directed by Michael Stütz, curator of the Panorama section; a retrospective of the festival of Asterisco in Argentina conducted by its producer Violeta Uman and a selection of national films.

It is also composed of an academic ingredient that brings together people from the sector, as well as fanzine workshops "Fanzinografías of a Bogotá Diversa" and literary encounters

Tickets for each of the films can be purchased at the box office at the entrance Cinemateca

"It is fundamental for the Cinematheque to continue to consolidate the pink cycle as a space that opens the boundaries of the audiovisual through a supply of projections and academic meetings that provide a broad overview of LGBTIQ artistic creation.This edition of the cycle is part of the decade of LGBT public policy creation in the district and the celebration of the International LGBT Pride Day. " Paula Villegas, director of the District Cinemateca of the Institute of Arts of the District – Idartes of Bogotá, organizing entity of the exhibition.

The imperceptible [1965] 9011] Among the major attractions this year will be the Pink Cycle, will be the Queer Selection of the Berlinale 2018. At the Berlin Film Festival, selected films with important queer content programmed in different sections of the festival such as Panorama, Forum, Generation and Berlinale Shorts.

In this 17th edition of the pink cycle, the Cinémathèque presents six works that were part of this curatorship.

Among them, "Bixa travesty" directors Kiko Goifman and Claudia Priscilla from Brazil will be presented, winner of the best director in the official competition of the past Cartagena International Film Festival, Ficci, and was selected in the Panorama section of the Berlinale 2018.

He also arrives at the LGBTIQ International Film Festival of Asterisco. An Argentine festival on badual diversity that comes to Colombia to celebrate the diverse and multiple ways of being, loving and being in the world, to bond and train families, to live in equity and respect the differences.

On the other hand, the show will have a strong presence of the Bogoshorts Movement, a special collection of Colombian shorts that explore, through endearing characters, stories about badual diversity and gender, as well as problems encountered by the Lgbti community.

The Cinematheque has planned everything for a movie show celebrating diversity.


At 19:00 On Friday, 6 July, the Museum opens the doors to the public to inaugurate the pink cycle with the film El susurro del jaguar, film winner of the Best Director Award in the recent edition of FICCI 58 in the Colombian official competition.

'High fantasy & # 39; of the director Jenna Bbad – South Africa 2017 (71 minutes). Saturday, July 7 – 18:00

& # 39; Bixa travesty & # 39; Directors Kiko Goifman and Claudia Priscilla – Brazil 2018 (74 minutes). Sunday, July 8 – 8:15 pm

"Tinta Bruta", by Filipe Matzembacher and Marcio Reolon. Monday, July 9 – 18:00

Read more: The inclusion in the media, the new bet of the Network of Colombian Journalists

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